Download Mp3 Audio of The entire Sri Sai Satcharita in English.

Details of the Album
Name of the Album: Sri Sai Satcharita Parayan
Album Size: 286MB (2 Parts)
Zip Format: .RAR

2. Use Win Rar to Unzip this Mp.3 Album.

Name of the Album: Sri Sai Satcharita Parayan
Album Size: 286MB (2 Parts)
Zip Format: .RAR

To Download Sai Satcharita - English Click on Links Below:
1. Kindly download both the parts before unzipping this Album.
2. Use Win Rar to Unzip this Mp.3 Album.

Thank you very much for posting audio version of Sri Sai Sathcharitha...
One small request, can you pls reupload Chapter 50 (this link is not working)
Thank you!
Dear Raghav,
Thanks it is really very helpful and great gesture from your end, to post these womderful leelas of Saibaba. Sai bless you.
Sudheer k v
Thank you So much for the Audio MP3. I am very thankful to you and appreciate this great and useful gesture.
Thanks so much for posting this. I am so grateful to u for this!
Jai Sai Ram, Thank you Raghav Sir, for posting the tamil version of Sai Satchartia, I am now having it in my mobile, I am hearing it quite often, thank you very much...Om Sai Ram
sai movement made easy through mp3 audios.koti koti namaskarams to sai deva.may sai make us spread his messages to mankind and bring peace.
may sai bless all of us.thanks.regards.
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